
Showing posts from October, 2017

How to Choose Investment Home

如何选择投资房? 先教你看 房产 增值潜力 ,再教你选择适合的投资! 今天刚好看到这个短片,非常值得与想投资房产的人分享: 虽然这短片提到的地方是美国,但是他所提出的观念和想法是可以运用在任何地方的。片中所提到的几个“ 如何选择投资房 ” (How to Choose Investment Home) 的重点,都跟我上一篇的分享所提到的一样。这些都是专家们的意见! 第一步:选择地段,地段,地段  1. 经济形势: 这个区域是不是 经济上升区 。经济上升区意味着这个 地方的人口和经济在未来几年呈增长态势 。比如: 政府在这个地区有没有一个长期的新兴产业计划 、人口是在涌入还是涌出,涌入的人口越多,对房间的影响越正面,经济发展越好,当地居民的收入就越高,对租金的收益也有正面的影响。 (这个目前发生在槟城的  Batu Kawan ) 2. 治安情况: 如果 治安好 ,租房子的人就越多,房子更抢手,租金回报率高。 3. 学区情况: 好学区可以争取到好的租客 ,租客的好坏也会影响到房子的空置率和租金回报率。 比较容易出租的地段一般是 靠近大学 ,槟城的  Batu Kawan  有这个公寓。 4. 配套设施: 看 周边配套设施是否齐全 ,租房子的人普遍年纪较轻,对周边设施,电影院、超市、交通设施的要求会更高。  提示: 多比较,一定要先确定一两个社区,在这个范围内看房子,这样才有比较,才能找到符合自己需求的房子。  第二步:选择适合投资的房屋类型 如果是 出租房屋就比较看重租金回报率 , 公寓的租金收益率一般比地上房多 ,因为公寓的总价会比较低但租金没有差太多,所以租金回报率就更好;而 地上房增值的部分比公寓要好 ,如果是以后想要卖掉,那么长期收益地上房更好。  第三步:计算投资回报率  租金回报率 并 不单纯是看租金是多少 ,要整体考虑房屋费用及出租衍生相关支出,一般包括:房产税、房屋保险、社区费、维修费、空置期分摊、出租管理费等项目。 这些都要算好账,把收益相加减去上面这些花销再除以当初购置房子和装修的费用,才能准确计算投资回报率。 可以上网查询,但是不一定准确。比较准确的是要看房子所在区域2英里之内,同样房型、同样大小、同样新旧的房子最后出租时的租金是多少。这部分资料可以请专业地产经纪...

35 Factors Lead to Properties Appreciation Part 1

When coming to select a good  property for investment purpose , there are so many things need to be considered. Location, location, location - the key to property investment.  I had listened to opinions of some property experts and summarized 35 factors that will lead to properties appreciation , and this blog post is just the Part 1 . I will separate the contents to 3 blog posts so that readers will not get tired of reading too much. 😁  (Below factors are applicable to properties in Malaysia) 1. Land tenure Properties on Freehold land (999 years) are the most favorable properties in Malaysia. However, most of the properties with great location or in city center are on leasehold land that have 99 years land tenure or maybe 60 years land tenure. If a freehold land is surrounded by leasehold lands , that can be one of the best location to choose already! 2. Land title, Residential or Commercial Title The major impact of land title is the cost of utilities ...

How Young People Can Buy House with Less Burden

现代的人都说, 房价越来越贵,年轻人都无法购买或是不敢购买。 那么, 年轻人该如何才能够拥有房子呢? 我看到了这个律师在节目中,提到了一些实用的建议,所以与读者分享。 看了他的分享,你学到或是领悟到了什么吗? 年轻人,你 对买房有什么梦 ?能够如何实现,你知道吗? 除了努力存钱,有没有在上面那个节目看到更好的方法吗? 我们在片中看到台湾的房价,一个独立门牌的套房,12坪大,大约台币400多万,月租台币13500,这在马来西亚是什么概念? 12坪大是大约是马来西亚这里说的 427sqft Studio,大约RM600K, 月租大约RM1800. 节目中,那位律师买的房子都是小坪数的,靠近捷运站,因为容易出租,租金回酬相对的好,房屋价格也是在他的能力范围之内。 在马来西亚,这也是为何近年来 Studio 单房产业,很受产业投资者的欢迎 。只要地点优越,Studio 的出租率都会很高。坐落在好地点的Studio, unit price/sqft 都会比较贵,房子也因此比较小间才能负担得起。 只要每个月的租金能够涵盖每个月的房屋贷款,拥有好地点的一间小房产绝对不是梦 。 要以存钱的方式买到如意的大房子,谈何容易,因为 薪金永远追不上房价的上涨 。所以,可以考虑先买个小间的 Studio, 租金能够高过房屋贷款,就能为自己创造多一份收入,房价也会跟着上涨,以后要换大间的房子,就容易多了。 想投资房产的你,有学到什么了吗? 在短片中,最后的建议才是重点。 买房子,不管你是要自住,还是要出租,你对自己的财务状况一定要很确定,不要让太高的房价拖垮你的经济。 如果想拥有好地点的房产,欢迎咨询 Elvin +60165553508 (Click to whatsapp) Charles +60174869167 (Click to whatsapp)

Top 9 Tips for Buying an Investment Property

Investors all over the world know that buying real estate property is one of the best ways to invest . The main goal of going into real estate investment property should be to increase wealth as well as securing financial future . There is nevertheless, the popular myth that investing into real estate market always result in profitability. Despite the fact that this can be true sometimes, there is no assurance that it is one way to acquire riches. Just have it at the back of your mind that how effective you manage your real estate investment will determine your profitability at the end of the day. There is no way you can reach your financial goal if you do not manage your business well. The top 10 tips for buying an investment property for easy profitability include: Buy the property at appreciating location Real estate property investment is mostly for the purpose of increasing wealth and assuring financial future. For this, you must ensure the property you want ...

IKEA store to open in Penang on January 1, 2019

The first IKEA store , in the northern region will open in Penang on Jan 1, 2019 , says Lim Guan Eng. The Chief Minister said the store would help to put Penang at a high-level position. "It is not easy to attract Ikano and we worked very hard," Lim said in his speech before launching the press conference to announce the coming Penang Medical Expo and Malaysian Healthcare Policy Conference (PMEX 2017) at Setia SPICE Convention Centre Friday. Ikano Pte Ltd, the owner of the IKEA franchise holder in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, has teamed up with Aspen Group in September 2014 to purchase 99ha of land from Penang Development Corp to develop the Aspen Vision City (AVC), where the IKEA store would be located. Source: Progress of IKEA Batu Kawan Penang as of Sep 2017: Another good news is: New KDU University College Penang  and Design Village Branded Store are just stone throw away from IKEA! The new freehold pro...

Top 5 Factors to Consider When Buying Properties

荣获 所颁发 2017年最具远见导师奖 (Visionary Trainer) 的 Mr.Keegan Soh 愿意与读者分享, 选择好与对的房地产时,需要考虑的5大条件 ! 我先简单的为大家介绍这位非常有梦想和能力的 Mr.Keegan Soh ( Visionary Trainer of IQI Global ): Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons) (UK) 大学时期就开始创业做网卖,曾经代理与批发世界杯的衣服 2009年毕业后,在全马第二大的澳洲公司做一年的打工一族 他不满意与大约 RM2k 的固定薪水 副业也接触过传销,在非常短的时间内就月入五位数 后来选择在银行界做专业的销售服务员。在 banking line 3年而已,就从普通的 sales executive 升级成为 sales manager,非常有能力! 由于接触许多和房地产界有关的贷款事项,律师和顾客,也间接地学到了有关房地产的知识 为何会加入房产界呢?因为他遇到一位比他年轻的朋友,只在房产界工作2年,工资却比他当时做 manager 的工资要多一倍! 2014年他开始加入房产界,2个月就赚了大约 RM30k! Mr. Keegan Soh 人生的低潮 与转折点! 2015年,他换了另一家房产经纪公司,同样地做到了良好成绩,但是却被拖欠他应该得到的薪酬。 他离开了拖欠薪酬的公司,利用连锁方式,在 Ara Damansara 区创立了自己的房产经纪公司。 很不幸的 ,合作的总公司出现问题,生意上遇到了严重挫折与亏损。 机缘巧合 ,遇到了 IQI Global 的 Managing Director, Mr. Daniel Ho ,赏识他的能力,给他机会在 IQI Global 里面大展拳脚,让他无限发挥,也提拔他,造就了今天的他!Mr.Keegan 对 Mr. Daniel Ho 充满了感恩!   Mr.Keegan -- 5 Million Achievers Award Mr.Keegan -- Outstanding Head of Team award 问到 为何他会喜欢做销售的 时候, Mr. Ke...

Income Needed to Buy A House in Penang Island

If you are looking for a home affordability calculator in Malaysia, you might not need one anymore. Given the latest data, we provide a table that might be the answer for you to figure out how much salary you would need to buy a house in Malaysia. Take note that this is based on the assumption that you do not have any commitments such as credit card debts, personal loans and other types of credit facilities which can affect your debt-service ratio. If you look at the table carefully, you will find that monthly installments for each category should not exceed 30% of your total income. This is set to ensure you have enough disposable income for your other financial needs such as savings, investment, car loans, and retirement. Based on the current market rate of 4.2% to 4.4% p.a. interest for a standard mortgage loan, you will need to fork out at least RM1,760 per month over the next 30 years for a 90% loan to buy a RM400,000 house. Not forgetting down payment for your h...

House Prices will not Come Down, But Sizes Will

Housing prices will definitely  NOT go down as elements of property development such as land cost and development charges keep increasing, said a group of panellists. “Property prices will definitely go up. We have asked various parties to help bring prices down. So, this is one of the challenges we are facing,” said Real Estate Housing Developers’ Association (Rehda) president and Glomac Bhd CEO Datuk Seri FD Iskandar at a CEO roundtable: Overcoming key issues and challenges in housing and property development . He added that new homes are becoming smaller because property developers are looking at absolute selling prices. While affordable homes are currently a trend, he pointed out that a city cannot progress with just affordable homes , as people who move up the socioeconomic ladder will yearn for a property to match their upgraded lifestyles. “So, we need a wide range of product offerings for homebuyers ,” he added. “However, as World Bank said, although ...

Progress of Merdeka PNB118 Tower in Kuala Lumpur

Progress of Merdeka PNB118 Tower in Kuala Lumpur - as of date August 2017 Merdeka PNB 118 , formerly known as KL118 or Warisan Merdeka, is a 118-storey, 682-metre (2,238-foot) megatall skyscraper currently under construction in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. When completed in 2025, the tower will be the tallest building in Malaysia and the third tallest in the world . It will consist of 400,000 square metres (4,300,000 square feet) of residential, hotel and commercial space. It will exceed the height of the 88 storey Petronas Twin Towers. How will this KL118 project impact to the price of properties in the city of Kuala Lumpur? Do you think the price of properties will be going down or up? In Kuala Lumpur, most of the foreigners know that they should invest in the area of Golden Triangle! The yellow color zone indicate the Golden Triangle area where the price of properties are continuously growing and rental return are always guaranteed . Most of the tourists...