4 Cons, 9 Pros, 12 Flexible Usages of Dual-key Properties

Dual-key concept of properties had became more and more popular among property buyers in big city due to skyrocketing of property price. There are new residential and commercial units with dual-key concept launched recently.
Some people said buying a dual-key property is a buy one free one deal, will you agree?
The major differences of dual-key unit with standard unit is the entrance. There is one foyer area before entering the house. Two families can stay in the same house, but entering through different doors. They are staying together but still apart and keep their privacy.

I heard some bad comments on dual-key concept too:
The Cons
1. One of the units might be small, having conflict of interest between the shareholders
2. Some do not like to live so close to tenants
3. Shared utility bills for both units
4. Lack of soundproof (This is unlikely for good quality condo)

However, Let's look at the Pros of this dual-key concept also:
1. Convenient for two generations living, live together yet apart
2. Rent out 1 unit to reduce burden of the mortgage repayments
3. Collect rental easily
4. Easy to maintain and monitor
5. Own 2 units but one time processing fee, one time stamp duty only
6. Able to own more units and obtain more rental income
7. Cheaper, buy dual-key units instead of buy two houses
8. Easier to expand in future
9. As a Home Office

In Malaysia, most of the people can afford to buy the first 2 houses because only 10% downpayment required. Among these 2 houses, probably one unit is for own stay and another one is for collecting rental income . However, if people now can buy 2 dual-key apartments, then he can have 3 units for rental income, will this sound greater?

Dual-key units are very flexible in usages:
1. Dual-key for Own stay and with parents/ grandparents
We can stay together yet still apart with privacy. If parents are getting older and require special care, this dual-key unit will be very convenient.

2. Dual-key for Own stay with adult kids/ married son
It will become more and more difficult for youngsters to buy a property in good location in future because properties price are skyrocketing. Before our son can afford to buy a house, he can still stay with us with sufficient privacy. Even if he is just married, the young couple can still stay together with us yet apart.

3. Dual-key for Own stay with a function room for youngsters
Youngsters will always like to gather together to enjoy their pleasure moments and maybe to discuss and work together on their school's/ university's projects. If there is a separate room for their activities, they will feel more comfortable. That room can also be served as guest room or class room, such as culinary class, yoga class, dancing class, tuition room and etc.

4. Dual-key for Own stay with tenant
This will be a very good idea to reduce burden of mortgage repayments. One separated unit can be rented out. In some of the good location area, the rental can cover up to 40% of monthly installment. The rental income can at least help a fresh graduate to buy a car.

5. Dual-key for Frequent traveler with tenant
There are a lot of people who worked as sales, stewards, speakers and etc, who can be hardly at home, but still want to buy a property, can consider to rent out the bigger potion of the house and earn higher rental return.

6. Dual-key for Expansion for larger family
A young couple might be just started with 2 person in a house, so they can rent out one unit to reduce financial burden. When they earn more and having their kids, they can renovate and expand their house after few years. Buying a new bigger property in future can be very difficult, why not buy now for future expansion?

There are different dual-key layouts in the market, not just for residential but for commercial also. I saw one layout with same unit size of dual-key as below. The major advantage of this layout is to reduce conflicts or arguments of one unit bigger than another.

(Click Here to have more info of dual-key in KLCC in AUCTION!! Very Limited! )

7. Dual-key for Joint names, siblings to invest together
Dual-key units are suitable to be purchased with joint name, because there are 2 units to share the mortgage repayments. However, to reduce the conflicts, minimum the trouble of complex calculation that involve money, it will be the best if both units come with same size, do you agree?

8. Rent both units out for double rental income
This is recommended for Airbnb short-term rental or make is as a hotel suites, because it will generate maximum income if the unit is in prime location, example in the Golden Triangle of Kuala Lumpur city center.

9. Dual-key for Joint names with business partners
If you have a Sendirian Berhad office, or business partners, then you can joint name with the business partners to invest together in this kind of dual-key layout.

10. Dual-key for Young entrepreneur
Many youngsters are quite capable today also. Those successful young entrepreneurs are mainly in online businesses or property field, who can actually hire some staffs (account and admin) to assist in his growing businesses. They do not need big offices, but a SoHo will do.

11. Dual-key provides Flexibility to expand the office in future
For dual-key offices, one unit can be rented out when business is just started. When the business grow, it can be renovated and expanded. Buying new commercial property is getting more and more expensive in prime location, so buy dual-key business units earlier and expand in future.

12. Dual-key as Home Office
Avoid the traffic jam if your office is just opposite your home. This is particularly good for IT support, design house or online businesses.
For bigger family

For Single young entrepreneur

I believe that dual-key concept is quite suitable for youngsters nowadays. A good dual-key unit at good location in Kuala Lumpur city center will be able to get tenants easily to generate healthy rental income.

Example + Great NEWS! Very limited! 
Condo name: Expressionz Professional Suites
Very limited Dual-key unit in KLCC
Market selling RM950k-RM1mil
Auction price RM590K, RM590K for 2 studios in KLCC!
Auction date: April 2019
By the way, this is an auction unit, many people will go and bid and reach higher price definitely. However, we can provide private auction services for you to purchase this unit with minimum cost, without bidding!
I had been on her roof top swimming pool before, viewing beautiful KL skyline. This is the unique selling point of this condo, that leads to high demand and high rental return!

I did a checking in iproperty.com, for 1 studio 325sqft, minimum monthly rental is RM1500, only 1 fellow rent so cheap and therefore I doubt whether that is real. Average rental is RM2000/month. If you have dual-key units, the rental is RM4000/month!😍
If auction price is RM590K right now, monthly installment is merely RM2546/ month.
Getting a good condo in KLCC with positive rental return is becoming more and more difficult. If you can collect this kind of properties, it will generate passive income for your retirement. Moreover, it  increase your DSR to continue purchase good auction units for rent, over and over! 😍

To look for good auction units in Penang, Kuala Lumpur and Klang Valley, welcome to join my Facebook closed group. 😄

To buy good condo in auction/ lelong (Penang, KL and Klang Valley), welcome to contact me, Elvin

Read more about my stay in Expressionz Professional Suites, you may try also, strongly recommended! 😍


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